Laser Skin ResurfacingHollywood Laser Peel, ECO2 & Sciton

Peel away damaged skin for a beautiful complexion.

Restore the Health of Your Skin

Laser skin resurfacing is a treatment that can:

  • soften and erase lines and wrinkles
  • eliminate pigmentation irregularities
  • smooth and soften your skin

Great for the delicate skin around your eyes and mouth!

The treatment basically removes the uppermost layer of the skin, removing the complexion issues you have along with it.


What is laser skin resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing works by gently warming the water molecules located in the superficial layers of your skin, to the point that they vaporize. By doing this, the skin forms fresh new collagen and elastin fibres in the weeks and months that follow your treatment.

The depth at which the laser penetrates can be customized according to your concerns. It can be go from shallow to quite deep.

While it is a nonsurgical procedure, laser skin resurfacing can be more intense than other nonsurgical treatments. It's pretty straightforward technology, but it can permanently damage your skin if your aesthetician doesn't know what they're doing. That's why it's crucial that you have a fully trained and experienced medical aesthetician, under the supervision of a board certified plastic surgeon, perform your treatment.


We ensure that all of our patients experience the safest and most comfortable treatment possible.

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In the Greater Toronto Area to serve you

600 Matheson Blvd W Unit 5,
Mississauga, ON, L5R 4C1
(Located Inside Venture X)


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600 Matheson Blvd West, Unit 5,
Mississauga, ON L5R 4C1, Canada
(Located Inside Venture X)